The Hunters Guild: Red Hood (レッドフード Reddo Fūdo?, lit. "Red Hood") is a manga written and illustrated by Yuki Kawaguchi that was published in Weekly Shonen Jump. It began serialization on the 28th of June, 2021 in issue 30 of Weekly Shonen Jump and ended serialization on the 8th of November, 2021 in issue 49 of Weekly Shonen Jump. It is based on the one-shot of the same name.
The Hunters Guild: Red Hood started out as a One-Shot named Red Hood, which was published in Weekly Shonen Jump issue 42, 2020 on September 19, 2020 for the 14th Golden Future Cup competition. The One-Shot won the first place, guaranteeing a serialization.
The series properly began its serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump issue 30, 2021 on June 28, 2021. The serialization had concluded in Weekly Shonen Jump issue 49, 2021 on November 8 of the same year.
In a world where fairy tales are fact and humans live in fear of werewolves, witches, and ghouls, only the Hunter’s Guild can keep the monsters at bay. These red-hooded fighters are anything but little, and only those able to pay a king’s ransom can afford their services. But they're the world’s most elite fighters, and their fees are a small price to pay to stay alive. And as one boy from a tiny hamlet is about to find out, the hunters have a plan to eradicate the werewolves once and for all, just as they did the dragons long, long ago…
Manga Guide[]
- Main article: Volumes & Chapters
- Main article: Story Arcs
Volume Covers[]
Weekly Shonen Jump Covers[]
Color Pages[]