Weekly Shonen Jump (週刊少年ジャンプ Shūkan Shōnen Janpu?), commonly shortened to "Shonen Jump" in English-speaking countries or "Weekly Jump" in Japan, is the best selling and longest running shonen manga magazine published in Japan. Manga series within this magazine target young male readers and mainly include comedies, romance series, and battle-action titles.
Many of the best-selling manga of all time originate from Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Shonen Jump spawned the Jump magazine line as well as the Jump Comics imprint label for publishing tankōbon volumes. The magazine has also had several international counterparts, including the current North American Weekly Shonen Jump.
The Hunters Guild: Red Hood[]
The Red Hood One-Shot was published in Weekly Shonen Jump issue 42, 2020 on September 19, 2020 for the 14th Golden Future Cup competition. The chapter won the first place, guaranteeing a serialization.
The reception was positive, both from the readership and the editorial staff. As a result, The Hunters Guild: Red Hood properly began its serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump issue 30, 2021 on June 28, 2021. The first chapter served as a semi-remake of the One-Shot, making the two works narratively unconnected.